Audio Recording

Audio recording is simply the process of capturing sound in a format which can be played back digitally. The format can be whatever you need it to be, but is typically either a WAV, MP3 or AIF.

The types of recordings that you might do in a studio can be quite varied (some are listed below) however the approach to capturing sounds is basically the same. This process is commonly divided into 3 sections.

  • Pre-Production: This is where we plan the recordings, work out which songs to play, instrumentation, arrangements and session times.
  • Production: This is when the actual recording sessions happen, including overdubs and any extra parts.
  • Post-Production: This is for editing and mixing of tracks ready for mastering and sharing with the world.

These 3 stages may last several weeks (this is typical with a commercial CD) or it may all happen in a few hours.
The most common types of audio recordings carried out here are:

  • Commercial Recording: CD’s, Music for Film, Music for Advertising, Web Media and Talking Books
  • Demo Recording: Artist demos, Agent demos, casual recording for family and friends or just to have a recording for yourself

Commercial Recording Samples

The following are a selection of commercial projects recorded at Urban Lounge Studios.
Select a CD cover for project details and audio/video samples…

Demo Recording Samples

The following are a selection of demo projects recorded at Urban Lounge Studios.
Select a CD cover or image for project details and audio/video samples…